Get rid of cellulite

How Can You Get Rid of Cellulite?

Is it true can you improve Cellulite?  Can you get rid of Cellulite? The short of it, yes. Yes, you can. Is there an outright “cure” per se? Unfortunately no.

What is Cellulite anyway?

Well, we all know what it looks like dimply, lumpy, and just not something we want to look at ever.  Cellulite does not discriminate; anyone can get it. Even those lovely lean supermodel types have cellulite.

Ok, so why does it happen.  Time to get technical and medical.  We all have what is called fascia in our bodies just beneath the skin. Fascia is the internal connective tissue that holds all of our organs and muscles in place.  When we get fatty deposits that push through this thin tissue, we understand the appearance of dimpling or lumps, Cellulite.

You see this when you walk by the mirror after a shower and do a double-take and think, what is that? When did that happen?  I noticed it wearing shorts one summer and was like, what the hell! When did this happen? I never saw it before on the back of my thighs? I mean, who looks back there anyway. Apparently, not me.

Now, remember that I worked in the Plastic Surgery field for over 15 years.  So I know a thing or two about cellulite treatments and products. I know they don’t really treat what they claim to.  Most products plump the skin surface to minimize cellulite’s appearance, and for some, that’s enough. I knew better than to waste my money on these items.

However, given my nature to research and find more natural products, I found this awesome tool.

The FasciaBlaster

What is it exactly?  Well, it’s a tool created by Ashley Black to target the fascia specifically and break up the tissue where the fascia is puckering, i.e., cellulite.  It smooths out these areas and can considerably reduce the cellulite in thighs, arms, and other regions. It is also beneficial in getting the blood circulation back to the surface.

Now that comes with a disclaimer from the manufacturer that you will experience bruising from using this product.  As a product user myself, I can vouch that it does happen. My husband is always saying, “Why do you have bruises everywhere?”  I reply I was using my thing cause he doesn’t know what it is anyway. LOL

I’ve used this product for about two years, and the original Fasciablaster just broke off one of the little claws, but I’m still using it.  It’s smaller for me and better to handle. There are now several different options and styles.


I noticed improvements with cellulite and more so with inflammation, especially in the abdominal area. I also have the Faceblaster, which works well on the jawline to define it, and the nasolabial folds or laugh lines.  It helps you get rid of those jowls from sagging. It’s important to follow her instructional videos because she shows you how to do it.

For those of you who like Botox and Fillers, The Faceblaster is best used if you don’t have these products injected.  The Faceblaster can move the product or break it down, in my opinion. More than likely, if you’re getting injectables, you probably don’t need the Faceblaster. Try this in place of rather than in conjunction. That’s my opinion based on my background in Plastic Surgery.


You have to be diligent with the Faceblaster/Fasciablaster to notice the results.  That’s all you need to see, to keep with it. I like to use this little guy in the shower every day.

It’s also an excellent addition to your Dry Brushing routine. It gets the circulation moving. You can read more about Dry Brushing in this post.

If you do try this product, then please be sure to start with light pressure. When I first started, I could barely do light pressure on my legs. But as I’ve been using it more and more, I can apply more pressure and get deeper into the fascia. So start slow and build up from there.

The recommended time per area is 15 minutes. I don’t have that time in the morning to do that long, so I do what I can. They recommend having the tissue warm to get better treatment. I use it in the shower, as this works best for me.

Another thing I like to do is review muscle anatomy, especially in the face.  I want to see the direction the muscles go so I can follow the muscle pull direction.  And then crosshatch that area. I love to research stuff and see what exactly everything does, so I am more informed, but you don’t need to do this.

If you’re interested in getting your skin to look better and smoother in any area, I will give this a try. You gotta stick to it, and you’ll see some results. Check out these before and after photos.

Before and After Photos

Remember, no two people are the same; therefore, no two people will have the same outcome or experience. Do what works for you. To see results in anything, you must be consistent and follow the instructions.

I wish you peace and guidance on your journey. Take care and be well.

Update 7/11/2020

I recently started running again, still building up my endurance. If you’re a runner or avid walker, you know your legs can get tight. For me, it’s my calves, so I started using the Fasciablaster on my calves after a run and the next morning. It feels so much better afterward. It’s less tight and feeling so good while doing it. I also started using it on my arms, shoulders, and hands.

You probably type a lot or at the computer as much as the next person, right? Do your forearms get tight and start to ache from all the constant typing? Try the Faceblaster, nugget, or mini 2 on this area, and you can feel the difference in releasing some of the pressure from those sites.

Plus, you may need to take a break and do some stretches if you’re at the computer that long, anyway. Using the fascia blaster in these areas is worth trying too. Again, it feels so good, like a deep tissue massage.

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