Detox Cleanse

To Detox Or Not To Detox. Is a total body cleanse worth it?

YES, do a detox! The truth is the question is that we all buildup a lot of toxins in your liver, colon, and organs in general; which has been going on since the time you were born. We’ve been adding toxins like alcohol, prescriptions, heavy metals (toxins not the music genre, lol) and many many more.

Accumulation of these toxins in your liver leads to other health issues. This includes seasonal allergies, brain fog, fatty liver, weight gain, aging, adrenal problems, and gallbladder issues, to name a few. For more in-depth information, I recommend reading Liver Rescue by Anthony William, aka Medical Medium.

Global Healing Center® is a leading natural health provider offering natural and organic supplements, cleanses, and a wealth of free natural health articles.

What Is A Detox And Is It Any Different Than A Cleanse?

Detox and Cleanse are used to mean the same thing, to remove toxins from the body and/or particular organs such as the liver, colon, intestines. Some detox/cleanses incorporate supplements to assist in the process, most people use the terms interchangeably.

After having my youngest daughter 3 years ago, I underwent a total body cleanse. At that time and for many years before that, I felt run down, tired, had brain fog, dizziness, and just didn’t feel well. I was tired of feeling this way. Are you feeling this way?

I had gallbladder issues, and had an ultrasound, to find out that I had sludge, but all else was fine. So that’s what they (doctors) said. How is that fine? Do you ever get the feeling that your level of fine and theirs are not the same?

These are all symptoms that I had been battling since I was in my early 30’s. Every 3-6months I did my own cleanses and would feel ok momentarily but then went back into my same eating habits.

I became a vegetarian… for 6 years.

You know the feeling that you’re so sick of being sick that you are willing to do anything!? Well, that was me. I did this to try and get myself better and because I didn’t want to eat any animals. More about my story here.

It seemed a natural progression for me as I’m not a big meat eater anyway. The rest was easy to give up too. Admittedly, I thought this would help me to feel better and get my triglycerides down. Read more on how I finally got them down with the best fish oil to use. That is another battle I’ve had most of my adult life.

Anyway, I was seeing a Holistic DPT (Doctor in Physical Therapy) during my second pregnancy because I had horrible back pain due to my little baby Joy. It was unbearable, and I could hardly walk at times.

During this time, my DPT recommended that after Joy arrived that I look into doing a whole-body detox. I had discussed with her all my health issues and frustrations as I could never feel as good as I wanted.

The DPT insisted that all the symptoms would be corrected with a 30-day juice cleanse. But this would not be all I did. It would also include attending a nutritional boot camp, undergo a Functional Evaluation, extensive lab work, liver cleanses, colon cleanses, and harmful organism cleanse. This would be done in stages, of course, but it would hopefully bring me optimal health and finally find the relief that I was looking for.

For the first time, I felt someone actually knew what was causing all my health issues. And it wasn’t the conventional medical approach which for me, was even better. I never accepted the fact that I needed to take medication to fix the problem. To me, that wasn’t fixing the problem.

The times I did take medication, it never helped me or made me feel better. I searched and searched for alternative methods that get down to the root cause rather than treating the symptoms. Treating the symptoms was not an acceptable answer for me, and I knew there were real answers out there. I just had to find them.

Three months after having Joy, I started with the Functional Exam. It was amazing. I had testing done that I had never had before. She was able to tell by pressing on my liver and gallbladder that therein lies the problem. I finally felt like things were being diagnosed.

Then I received the treatment plan, which took me back as it was expensive. But to pay for finally feeling better, I would take the cost in stride and get started, my health is precious. And so is yours!

Think of all the money you’ve already spent on doctor’s appointments, copays, RX copays, deductibles, prescriptions, medicines, pills, OTC med’s and everything else.

That is when I was introduced to these products and have used them for the last 3 years. These were all part of my healing process. Just a reminder I did these all-in stages recommended by my DPT.

Liver Cleanse

The Liver Cleanse Kit is the comprehensive approach to cleansing. The kit includes Livatrex®, Oxy-Powder®, and the probiotic supplement, Latero-Flora™.

Do you want to lose weight, have more energy, and cleanse your liver, then try this Liver Cleanse by Global Healing. The liver is responsible for keeping you feeling and look young. You need to take care of it because it takes care of you. I took these supplements alongside a detox juice and water. More in-depth instructions here.

If you’re interested, I documented my most recent Liver Cleanse experience. It also includes my husband’s first liver cleanse, well actually his first time to do any cleanse. Still can’t believe he agreed and did it!

Colon Cleanse

The Colon Cleanse Kit from Global Healing Center includes leading colon cleanser, Oxy-Powder®, as well as Latero-Flora™ probiotics to support gut health.

This is a 6-day detox so try and plan this one as you will need to be near a restroom. You will cleanse your small and large intestines and colon with this product. Cleanses with safe and gentle oxygen, NOT harmful herbs or laxatives.

For some reason, I struggled with this, given the amount you have to drink. But I managed and stuck to it. The benefit at the end is worth it. You’re on the way to feeling great. Click the image above for in-depth instructions.

Harmful Organism Cleanse

The Harmful Organism Cleanse Kit™ will help you remove unwanted organisms from your digestive tract while supporting your gut's health with probiotics.

This is just that, it cleanses the harmful organisms that we all have. Indications that you may need this cleanse include abdominal discomfort, occasional constipation, slow digestion, fatigue, upset stomach, skin blemishes, or weight changes. You will take these supplements every day for 40 days. Why? Because the life cycle of harmful organisms is approximately 6 weeks. Click the image above to learn more.

30 Day Juice Cleanse

Total Body Cleanse Detox

Wow, 30 days! Crazy, I know. Especially if you are new to cleansing, this may sound like a long time to consume only juice. Before this, the longest cleanse I had done was 14 days. So, to do 30 was going to require will power, determination, and focus.

This was the last step of my whole-body detox/cleanse. Hey, I had made it this far and did all the other levels, I was not about to blow it and mess it all up at the end.

By this time, I was feeling better, lighter, and the brain fog I had always had was starting to lift. Bloating and stomach discomfort was gone. It wasn’t until I pushed myself to the end of the 30 days cleanse that I genuinely felt much better.

The first couple of days were hard. Especially around day 3, when all the food cravings started surfacing. I consumed a lot of juice as the goal is not to starve yourself but to drink as much until you are full. So, I did. I had to focus and keep busy so as not to succumb to any cravings.

Now the only thing is is that I drank the exact same juice every single day. UGH, this was so hard to down days 14-17. I remember telling my DPT that I couldn’t drink it anymore. It was almost impossible, I had to force myself to.

I was about to give up. She said, don’t give up now, push through it. My body is at the brink of healing. It’s hard, but I was getting to the point of releasing deep-rooted toxins. I had to finish.

Ok, so nevertheless I persisted. I was feeling clear-minded, losing weight, getting energized, and feeling better than I had felt in years.

I Did It! I Finished The Total Body Cleanse

It was hard to believe, but I completed the 30 days cleanse and then slowly came out of the cleanse. Meaning you did not go out and eat a burger right out the gate. That’s an excellent way to get sick, get cramps, and feel awful. I woke up my digestive track with broth, soup, and easily digestible foods and worked my way up to salads and back into a healthier regular diet.

Is the Total Body Cleanse, Worth It?

I lost 12 pounds and was feeling the best I have ever felt. It was hard, yes, and I did it. I finally found the answer to how to get better. Getting to the root cause and cleansing the body step by step.

After all this, I changed my diet and was eating cleaner and healthier. My allergies disappeared, digestion issues and all other health concerns were gone. All of them. Totally worth it!

Its Been 3 Years Since The Total Body Cleanse

Its been 3 years and I think I’m due for another one. My allergies have started to come back, and digestion issues, gallbladder discomfort are creeping back in.

I know that my eating habits and what I am doing are the problem. It’s not just something that happens, I can cure all of my symptoms by doing the appropriate cleanses and eating clean.

It’s hard for all of us, at least me, to be clean and stay on track 100% of the time. I can do it, but then little by little, I allow the bad carbs, sugar, and the like creep back into my mouth. You have to stay focused on your health and the results you want to achieve. That makes it easier to stay on track.

No two people are the same; therefore, no two outcomes will be the same. This was my experience, and yes, I will detox again. Toxins will continuously build up; you cannot avoid all pollutants and toxins. The goal is to do your best to keep them to a minimum.

Is a detox/cleanse right for you? Only you know that answer. I have been doing versions of detox/cleanses routinely for about 16 years. If you are new to it, then start with a shorter cleanse and build up from there. Listen to your intuition and do what feels right for you.

Ready to jump-start your detox buy the Liver Cleanse here! Take the time to invest in yourself. In the end, it’ll be worth it and you’ll feel better too.

I wish you peace and guidance on your journey. Take care and be well.

Not ready for a detox, try the probiotic below that helps digestion issues. Great probiotic and it’s what is used in the liver cleanse.

Latero-Flora™ is a probiotic supplement that supports gut health by populating the digestive tract with beneficial Bacillus laterosporus (B.O.D.™) bacteria.


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