Inspire Health and spirit

Binaural Beats – What Is It and How Can It Help You?

What is Binaural beats?

Binaural Beats definition is pretty technical sounding. defines it best stating the following:

Brainwave entrainment is a method to stimulate the brain into entering a specific state by using a pulsing sound, light, or electromagnetic field. The pulses elicit the brain’s ‘frequency following’ response, encouraging the brainwaves to align to the frequency of a given beat.

On the positive side, this same mechanism is commonly used to induce many brainwave states; such as a trance, enhanced focus, relaxation, meditation or sleep induction. The brainwave entrainment effectively pushes the entire brain into a certain state.

Binaural Beats is music engineered at certain hertz (Hz).  The brain receives these different hertz and hears the difference.  So if you have the left ear pumping 300 hertz and the left 320 hertz, the brain will listen to the difference of 20-hertz frequency.  The difference in hertz falls into the categories below.

Binaural means listening to different frequency waves in each ear at the same time.  Thus the need to use headphones to receive the benefits. Your brain has five waves delta, theta, gamma, alpha, and beta.

Five Brain Waves

Delta – Anti-Aging, Deep Sleep, Healing and Pain relief (0.1-4Hz)

Theta – Creativity, Deep Relaxation, Meditation, REM sleep, Energy (4Hz-8Hz)

Alpha – Fast learning, Positive thinking, Focus, Stress & Anxiety Relief, Headache relief (8Hz-13Hz)

Beta – Cognitive thinking, Focused Attention, Problem-solving (13Hz-30Hz)

Gamma – High-Level Cognition, Memory Enhancement, Awareness, Kundalini Awakening (30Hz and over)

Listening to binaural beats is said to have your brain sync with the frequency, allowing you to address some of these issues above. To receive these benefits, you should listen between 15-30 minutes each time, and you must use headphones.

Using binaural beats helps me to focus and concentrate when I’m sitting here writing blog posts.  I’m doing it right now! It’s a nice stress reliever too.

Now I prefer it to be quiet so that I can concentrate.  It’s hard for me to have background noise, talking, kids yelling, dogs barking, husband on the phone, etc., and be able to focus. I’ve never been one of those people that can concentrate with all the background noise.

If it’s hard for you to tune it all out or get overloaded with all the noise, you may also be an Empath.  Learn more about 10 Traits of an Empath, Are You One?

Where Can You Listen to Binaural Beats?

You can use youtube, search binaural beats, and you’ll get a lot of different options. You can even listen to binaural beats on Amazon Music. Choose a binaural beat that connects to how you’re currently feeling or need help at that moment. For instance, I usually pick a focus or concentration beat to help me write. Select what you need.

Wear Headphones for the Benefits of Binaural Beats

Noise-canceling earbuds can help you even more, to drown everything out. You’ll find binaural beats helps you to focus and is rather soothing at the same time. It’s not distracting, and you can hear yourself think with the music on. You never thought getting some quiet time would mean listening to binaural beats using noise-canceling earphones. But apparently, it does.

You can use any headphones. I started using my Air Pods Pro and it works great! Again, love the noise-canceling feature.

How Can It Help You?

By utilizing the frequencies mentioned above binaural beats may help you:

Decrease anxiety

Increase focus or concentration

Help with relaxation

Deepen your meditation

Improve your mood

Increase creativity

Promote a feeling of calmness

Assist in better sleep

Provide energy healing – chakra work

Is It a Gimmick?

Some people and outlets say this is gimmicky at best, but I think whatever works for you and makes you feel better isn’t a gimmick to you. So why not?

Being open-minded about things leads to learning more and understanding things outside your norm.  That is always a plus. Keep expanding your knowledge base spiritually, emotionally, physically, and intellectually.

Try it and see for yourself.

You may like it and find it does work for you. I enjoy it and use it all the time. You can even use it specifically for energy healing, chakra balancing, releasing negative emotions, and the list goes on. Binaural beats are one more tool for you to heal and bring yourself to a more centered and balanced state. Who doesn’t want that?!

We’re here to gain experiences. Being open-minded opens a whole other set of doors. You never know what you will find. Follow your intuition and keep learning and exploring.

Remember, no two people are the same, so no two people will have the same outcome or experience.  We are all different, and that is ok. If it doesn’t work for you, try something else. But you won’t know unless you try. Another suggestion is to try listening to binaural beats while doing yoga, going for a walk, or just relaxing or even grounding/earthing for added benefit.

I wish you peace and guidance on your journey. Take care and be well.

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