Earthing/Grounding for a Good Night’s Sleep


Yeah, me too! Getting this through Earthing/Grounding works for me. It can work for you; I rarely have a good sleep between getting two little people to sleep in their beds and being constantly woken up with feet digging into my side or back.

That’s approximately waking up 5-10 times a night! No joke! Some nights are better than others, but this is my norm for now. At least until they start sleeping in their own beds 100% of the time, I know it won’t last forever, so I deal with it.

Other nights I need and want some good sleep.  So I usually plug into the matrix and ground all night. It’s not really the matrix, but I do plug myself into the grounded wall outlet, sooooo yeah, I feel like Neo.

You may be thinking this sounds weird and out there but don’t knock it until you try it. I’m pretty open-minded, so I said sure I’d give it a whirl when this was presented to me.

Wow, what a difference it made in my sleep.  I tried this for the first time about three years ago or so, and I haven’t looked back.  I still use it when I sleep, if and when I can, as I am not always in my bed, where everything is set up. In addition, I also use it while working on the computer for hours on end.


Grounding or Earthing is a great way to get well-grounded. There are so many benefits to this earth healing, and for the best is the good night sleep I get when doing this.

Grounding uses the earth’s negative charge or electrons to ground our positive charge.  This can mean walking barefoot on the grass or beach in its simplest form. The earth’s energy balances us.  

You can certainly walk with your bare feet on the grass or beach if you have the opportunity to do this daily.  For those of us that don’t, we have other options such as the grounding mat, grounding sheets, wrist band, and patch kit, to name a few.  

Why do you need these products? Well, most shoes are synthetic soled, which blocks us from receiving the energy. Also, we’re in office buildings and houses all day, which does not absorb this energy.

I have used the ones mentioned above to give honest feedback on these particular products.  


I use this one mostly when I’m sleeping.  However, I will plug in a while on the couch when I feel I need it. This kit uses EKG electrode patches that you place on your person wherever you have aches or pains or general placement everywhere.  I place it on my calf, which makes it easier to sleep. You can also place it on the bottom of your foot at the ball of your foot for total-body benefits.

Honestly, anywhere you place it, your whole body will benefit. You plug one end into the electrode pad and the other into the grounded part of your electrical outlet.  There is also the option to use a grounding rod. You place it into the ground instead of the outlet.

Once you plugin and fall asleep, you will feel the difference in the morning.  I always feel so rested, and that I got a deep night’s sleep, you do feel the deep feeling of relaxation. It’s hard to describe, but you’ll know what I’m talking about when you experience it for yourself.

The kit comes with the pads, but when I first used it years back, they were not very sticky and would fall off.  So I purchased a medical-grade electrode pad on Amazon, see picture below, and it worked so much better. I leave it on a few days because it sticks so well and saves some money.  You may need an adhesive remover to get the glue off once removed or just use some oil to rub off.


Ok, so these are pretty cool too.  It is an actual sheet with these super-thin grounding threads woven into it.  You can’t feel them, and the sheet is pretty comfortable, at least for me. I used these a while back and replaced them with the sleep plush pad, which I have not used. You can still find the sheets on Amazon. You can get your sheet size or get the half-size and place it horizontally across your mattress and just use it that way.

Still, I did enjoy the sheet as it allowed for the benefits of grounding while sleeping and not getting tangled in the cord. I felt the same deep relaxation the following day with both.


So this mat is something to use when working on your computer or at your desk.  The computer equipment we use gives off so much electromagnetic energy that we can benefit from grounding those charges.

 You place this mat on your desk under your keyboard and place your hands or forearms on it as you’re typing. Or you can place it on the floor and put your bare feet on it.

I place the mat on my chair and sit on it.  This best works if you have shorts or a skirt on so your skin is in direct contact with the mat.


I have this one too but don’t love it as much as the other products.  It may work for you; however, my wrist is petite, and it doesn’t stay in place, so I don’t get constant contact with my skin.

It’s been a while since I used mine. I may give it another try to see if I like it. It appears that this product has been updated since I originally purchased it. So they may have improved the fitting.


In addition to better sleep, which is the best part, it also has many other benefits.

  1. Speed up wound healing
  2. Reduce Inflammation
  3. Minimize pain and discomfort
  4. Reduce muscle soreness and stiffness
  5. Reduce stress levels
  6. Increase positive mood
  7. Promote better sleep quality

As I mentioned before, I plugin all night, so that’s about 8 hours of sleep.

It’s recommended to the ground for approximately 80-120 minutes, or an hour and 20 minutes to 2 hours. Why so long? According to research, it takes about 80 minutes until the free electrons from the earth reach the blood, and you reap the benefits. It’s straightforward and effortless to achieve this by sleeping on the pad or actual patch.

Grounding incorporated with relaxation, yoga, or even meditation can bring an amazingly calming effect. Try it to get your fantastic night’s sleep.

Are you skeptical about this alternative healing option? Well, if the only benefit you gain from this is a good night’s sleep, isn’t that worth it? You’ll know when you plugin that you’ll wake up well-rested and relaxed.

I wish you peace and guidance on your journey. Take care and be well.

UPDATE 12/7/21

It’s easy to get into bed and start reading your phone and start scrolling the night away. On top of that, you keep your phone next to your bed, probably near your head. It’s so easy to grounding at night, and you’ll get the benefits of grounding while on your phone. I’ve also found it helps me drift off faster, even if I’m using my phone.

We all know we shouldn’t use our phones or devices in bed, but we do. Why not counteract some of that EMF?

In case you’re wondering, my girls are both in their own beds and it’s been great!


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