automatic writing

How to Do Automatic Writing to Contact Spirits, Journaling for Healing

Journaling offers immediate relief from pinned-up emotions. And enables you to reflect on the situation you’re writing about.

This isn’t your typical Dear Diary scenario; instead, look at it as a way to release any pinned-up emotions or frustrations and get it all off your chest. A release of the feelings you are holding on to. Learning how to do automatic writing to contact spirits is a way to do that.

Find Your Space to Feel and Write Without Disruption

One of the keys to effective journaling is to be in a room where you won’t be disturbed. You may prefer to write in silence or have meditation music, maybe binaural beats in the background. It’s your preference as this is your experience.

You can use a plain ol’ notebook, hard journal, or whatever is nearby. Again, it’s your preference. It’s about you here and no one else. You decide the same goes for writing, whether hand to paper or lap tap.

Writing pen to paper is very therapeutic and feels different than typing on your laptop. I know it seems archaic but give it a try to see what works best for you. It may also help you with automatic writing—more on that below.

Before You Start, Ask for Your Spirit Guides to Be With You

After you’ve found your quiet nook or space to journal, close your eyes, take deep breathes, center yourself and ask your spirit guides or the higher being of the highest vibration to assist you as you write. Allow yourself to be open to the healing journey that journaling can offer you.

Once you feel quiet on the inside, begin journaling. You can start. Start writing what comes to mind. What you’re feeling in the moment or address a particular issue in your life.

Begin writing.

How To Do Automatic Writing To Contact Spirits

Journal Without Editing Yourself

It’s worth mentioning that this is your journal for your eyes only. You’re not writing a paper that’s going to be graded later. Typos and grammar be damn; write to get it out, not for editing.

Allow yourself to write without holding anything back. Say or write what you want and how you want. You’ll notice when you’re writing without thought. You’ll write/type faster, and you’re writing (appearance) changes.

Your mind goes so fast in releasing your emotions that you can’t keep up! Allow this to happen and go with the flow.

This is how you get to the real emotion and how to release it. Be sure to ask yourself questions and write them while journaling.

Why Do You Ask Yourself Questions?

As mentioned above, when you are in the flow, that is the time to write/ask yourself a question. This is the time to ask why is this happening to me, what does this mean, or why am I so upset about this?? How do I heal from this and so on?

The question should be one of asking for guidance, help in healing, or understanding. Focus on questions that help guide you in understanding the lesson.

At this moment, you can take a breathe and wait for the response. Yes, the answer. From whom, you may ask?

Automatic Writing What Is It?

Don’t be scared about asking how to do automatic writing to contact spirits. This isn’t a scary movie where things will come out of the walls. You’ll take the proper measures to ensure only the spirits, angels, higher self, or whatever you prefer to call it, be of the highest vibrations.

You’ll be guided by your intuition or higher self, and the words will flow naturally. Once you get into the zone, you’ll notice words come effortlessly, and self-reflection comes without much effort. You may be surprised at first but allow it to happen. Receive the message.

You may hear the answer or just be guided on what to write. Learn to write, then go back and read what you wrote afterward. Try not to stop the flow.


This is the answer to how to do automatic writing to contact spirits. Spirit or your higher self is flowing & writing through you, so be sure to listen.

Don’t question yourself or what you’re writing, where it’s coming from, allow it. You’ll be surprised when you have an answer to the question you asked. In my experience, the answer will resonate with you. Or, all of a sudden, you see things differently than you did before.

If you are new to journaling and don’t have the automatic writing experience right off the bat, keep at it. It will come as you open yourself and are in the flow of your being. Don’t think about it; let it happen naturally.

The key to most things is to keep trying and practicing. This isn’t any different. Journal daily, if possible, use this as a natural way to relax and get centered. At the very least, when you’re feeling troubled about something, someone, or dealing with something that needs healing. You may also be interested in the top 5 spiritual books that can help with healing and guidance.

I wish you peace and guidance on your journey. Take care and be well.

Let me know how journaling has helped you on your journey in the comments below.

UPDATE 2/8/2022

I have found it easier to start automatic writing and just journaling after longer meditation practice. This may be due to the fact that you have already quieted your mind and are being fully present. In doing so this allows your spirit guides to connect with you more clearly.

Try a 5-minute (or longer if you can) meditation before journaling.

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