MCT oil, coconut healthy oil

The 5 Benefits of MCT Oil

Before We Talk About the Benefits of MCT Oil, What Is It?

MCT stands for Medium-Chain Triglycerides.  MCT is a man-made form of saturated fatty acid which is low in the Standard American Diet (SAD). This is due to low-fat diet crazes which eliminate these fats.

Truth is we need healthy fats, and not all fats are created equal. And low-fat diets are not your friend.  I’ve experienced it first hand you can read about that here.

Now you may or may not know that triglycerides are “bad”, so why take MCT?  Well, that’s because MCT is a medium-chain triglyceride. Triglycerides, long-chain triglycerides,  and stored as body fat or burned for energy. The main difference is how they’re metabolized.

MCTs are broken down and go straight to your liver.  This is where MCT is turned into Ketones. Once converted to ketones your body can then use it to cross from your bloodstream to your brain. Once there the brain can use ketones as a source of fuel.

It would use glucose for this fuel but MCTs are a much more efficient and healthier source of brain fuel.  MCTs are also more digestible than LCTs.

What Are the Benefits of MCT Oil and Can It Help You?

1. Increase Lean Muscle Mass / Endurance

Taking MCT oil can improve your stamina, endurance, and energy during workouts. MCT provides fuel for the body and muscles quickly and efficiently due to the rapid formation of ketones.

2. Reduce Appetite

MCTs can fill you up and keep you satiated longer.  This is due to the elevation of ketones in your system which keeps you feeling full.  The less you are snacking between meals or binging on not so healthy stuff leads to the next benefit.

3. Weight loss

MCTs, burn fat and calories. MCTs create ketones, which increases your metabolic rate and can burn the fat you already have.  This causes you to lose weight quickly. Dramatic results are more visible in those who are already on a low carb or keto-type diet.

I hesitate to say rapid or fast weight loss as this sounds gimmicky.  You have to have realistic expectations you won’t wake up tomorrow 20 lbs lighter. This is all with healthy eating habits and activities.

4. Gut Health

MCT oil aides in good bacteria growth in your gut and help heal your gut lining.

5. Cognitive / Brain Health

As mentioned before, MCTs act as fuel for the brain which improves your brain health. MCTs can help degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, even Diabetes. You may be facing a family history of one, two, or all these.  While nothing will cure any of these it may improve it. And even that is something.

I have all 3 of these diseases in my family tree, so I do what I can now to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible.  Better to be proactive than reactive.

Witnessing someone with Alzheimer’s is a hard thing to do.  You see them slowing forget who they are, who you are. It is no way to live out your days.  It’s a sad disease to witness. Be proactive in maintaining your brain health now.

If you have a family history of certain diseases be proactive and aware of your health. You’re your own champion, do the best you can now in managing your health to live longer and healthier. Give this a try to see if you feel better.

Where Can You Find It In Food?

You can find the benefits of MCT oil in different food sources.  Starting from highest levels to least they are:


Coconut oil

Palm Oil – use organic, virgin and unrefined oils

(I always think about this episode from Grace & Frankie every time I hear palm oil.  Frankie is against adding palm oil to her product. If you’ve never watched this show it is hilarious. I love it. Watch season 2 episode 8 on Netflix to check it out).

Dairy products – butter, high-fat dairy products from grass-fed cows. Fewer amounts of MCTs found in dairy products.

Can You Consume Coconut Oil Instead?

Sure you can, but it’s not the same as MCT oil if that is what you’re thinking. It’s not that big of a difference but a difference nonetheless. Coconut oil offers many benefits too, and it does have MCTs in it but is not the only ingredient makeup.

MCT oils, on the other hand, contain mostly MCTs in highly concentrated form.  For the benefits of MCT oil that we’re talking about here, MCTs are the winner.

How Do You Take It?

You can get MCT oil in liquid or powder form.  The cool thing is there is no taste or odor to this oil/powder.  I’ve used both the oil and powder form, and prefer the powder.  Powder form also comes in different flavors including chocolate and vanilla.

The oil form is as good it is a preference as the oil gets a bit messy and there is an oil pool on top of your coffee or drink.  This may not bother you but once you try the powder you’ll notice it’s easier to use and cleaner.

You can consume MCT oil every day add it in your coffee every morning, smoothie, tea, mix it in salad dressing, drizzle it on food.  You decide how it is easiest to incorporate into your daily routine.

A word of caution, though, you must build up your tolerance when consuming MCTs. You can cause an upset stomach if you take large quantities before your body has adjusted to taking it. Start with a lower dose and build from there. I noticed more of a transition when using the liquid form overusing the powder form.

You’ll feel a noticeable change in being clear-headed, alert, and overall better cognitive performance. It’s one of those products that you may wonder is it doing anything? You don’t think it’s doing anything so you stop. Then a few days pass and that’s when you notice that it really was working. You’re not as clear-minded or energy is down. We all experience different results.

No two people are the same therefore no two people can have the same outcome. This product may help you with energy levels, gut or cognitive health. You may notice more improvements in other areas too. That’s awesome.

As with all things you gotta stick to it to see if it works for you. It’s a gradual improvement, no overnight miracles here, so be patient.

I wish you peace and guidance on your journey. Take care and be well. Healthy Goodness, Highest-Grade Natural Supplements! Fast, Free Shipping!

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