
Set Your Intention for the New Year

The New Year is here, and you’ve likely set a New Year Resolution.  What if, instead, you set your new intention for the New Year? We all know that setting a resolution doesn’t stick long term. It’s like the word diet, it doesn’t usually stick, but if you make healthy eating habits your norm, it will last.

So What Is a Resolution?

A firm decision to do or not to do something by definition.  A firm decision, yet that doesn’t mean that it will be a lasting decision, just a firm decision made upon the brink of the New Year when you reflect on how you can be better, healthier, happier in the New Year.  

You reach for something that can potentially bring you a better, healthier, or happier self.  

So you start the new exercise routine, new diet, give up drinking alcohol, give up sugar or sweets you know the list.  We’ve all done it at some point.  

But, do you stick with this resolution for the entire year? Do you truly make the core changes you need to make to fulfill your resolution successfully?

Suppose you answered yes, then great! You’ve attained the ability to undertake how to make an actual change for yourself.

However, if you answered no and know that your changes slowly start tapering off by mid-January or early February, then perhaps you need to think of it in a new way.

What If Instead of a New Year Resolution You Set Your Intentions for the New Year?

What Is Intention and How Is It Different Than a Resolution?

The intention is to be mindful of a plan and set your intention for being healthier.  Sit and honestly think and resonate with the steps to be healthier.  It will be different for everyone. Perhaps, you will intend to be healthier, happier, more present.

Intention sets the groundwork for the power of manifestation.  And that is what will make the real change. The power of intention puts the law of attraction into manifesting, thus obtaining your original intention. 

It’s deliberately thinking and being in your intention every day, rather than forcing yourself not to eat this or that. Instead, you intend greater things for yourself by making a healthier choice at that moment.  

You take the intention moment by moment rather than trying to make the resolution happen right away all at once. Which is what you probably feel you have to do to obtain your goal.  Then the idea of the goal becomes overwhelming, and then you begin to waiver from your resolution.  

Intending for greater, better, healthier, happier things in your life is more powerful than setting a resolution.  It changes the way you think about the goal for yourself. It gives it more meaning and substance.  

Be grateful and express gratitude for what will come to your intention. You’re doing it for your highest self, and you will choose to honor that part of you.  

How much more likely do you think you’ll make the changes you seek by thinking about it this way?


I ask you to honor your highest self and seek an intention for your well-being.  That may be spiritual, emotional, or physical. Start with a plan to achieve this for yourself and begin there.  Remember to choose the intention at the moment.  

Love yourself and know that change and growth is a process.  Embrace it and allow it to happen by setting your intention.

Relax, diffuse essential oilsmeditate for a minute and seek your intention for the New Year, week, months.

Power of intention post on Dr. Wayne Dyer’s website states it beautifully, “According to Dyer, the process of allowing, just being and embracing this heightened level of consciousness, goes back not to attracting what you want, but attracting what you are.”

Read Dr. Wayne Dyer’s book The Power of Intention if you want to take it further. You won’t regret it.

It’s never too late to set your intention for the New Year. It can be a regular ol’ day, week, or month. Whether it’s January, February, or July it’s up to you. Do what works best for you.

I wish you peace and guidance on your journey.  Take care and be well.

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